Life That POPs


A Real Estate Renaissance Firm

All is Well… (A Tin Foil Hat Production)

Quick check on the current status:

  • Goldman-Sachs reports RECORD earnings during the worst recession this nation has seen since the Great Depression. Shortly after repaying $10 billion in tax-payer bailouts, Goldman trounced analysts’ estimates and continues to reap billions in profits trading in derivative markets. (Actually, they trade in unregulated tertiary derivatives – that’s a derivative of a derivative of a derivative of something that actually exists, for those of you keeping score at home). In the mean time, CIT – a company specializing in loans to small businesses and entrepreneurs – apparently serves no national interest to the Fed and has been told: “Enough is enough. No more bailouts” (No soup for you!) and is desperately searching for funding while on life support. In related news, keys members of the Treasury, the Fed, the administration’s key economic advisers and the principles of Goldman-Sachs have all agreed on a new secret handshake and expect their membership-only lapel pins to arrive shortly.

After reading these items you might find yourself a little confused… apprehensive even. You might wonder why the press does not present these bits of news together, in a way that reflects the absolute absurdity of the body politic today. You might even find yourself becoming a bit fearful: wondering how we got to such a criminally illogical place (through the looking glass, as it were). But not to worry. Congress is going to help us understand what happened to the economy and how we got here. They’ve announced a commission, chaired by a Democratic: the former Treasurer of California and a Republican: a former representative from California, to “examine the causes of the financial crisis” our nation currently faces. It seems their related contributions to bankrupting the 8th largest economy in the world (the once proud State of California) were of little concern. In related news, it has been announced that registered sex offenders will be heading up a commission to explore marital fidelity and Governors.

Read individually, many of these news items are innocuous. But taken as a whole, it becomes less and less difficult to suspect a conspiracy permeates politics. Maybe this is all coincidence. Maybe a Tin Foil Hat Production can be made to look quite stylish:

Paranoia... done with style.

But in the end, a proper response to our government was perfected over 30 years ago by John Landis in the movie Animal House. He foresaw those in power telling us “All is Well” and – prophetically – he foresaw the results. Who am I to improve on perfection:

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